3 January 13
A Trip to Lodi
We went to see some friends who were house-sitting near Lodi on Sunday. Ron and Joe are great birders so after some bread, cheese, olives and zinfandel jelly, we went out birding.
(Drake Common Merganser, Derwent Coloursoft on Canson) I sketched this common merganser along the Mokelumne River, not quite sure of the state/county park’s name. It had been resting on a log but took to the water as we approached.
We stopped by the Woodbridge Road sandhill crane preserve. We were a little early for the fly-in but decided to drive all the way to the end, where we found a good flock of sandhills. On the way back, several more had come in and we had four very close to the road. By then the thin winter sun was starting to set, casting a gorgeous purple/pink hue over everything, including Mount Diablo to the west. I need to get some purple/pink Canson paper, obviously.
Previous: Shorebirds at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Next: Crows on a Cold Morning
Glad I found your birds and your art. Nice blog.