22 April 10
Scrub-jay after White Bread
In an attempt to find out whether any of the crows we radio-collared were still around four years later, W. threw out some white bread. But the scrub-jay wasn’t having anyone else go near it, a small feisty corvid in a region of feistier and larger corvids. It harrassed the crows and magpies so much, though, that it ended up with most of the half-loaf of bred.
On another note: I’ll be doing the Yolo Audubon Birdathon this weekend with a twist; I’ll try and sketch every species I see. Please consider sponsoring me either with a set amount or per bird sketched. I’m going to do the whole birdathon/sketchathon on foot and will walk about 4 miles west to Pedrick Road in the hope of seeing migrant warblers; from there to the UC Davis Arboretum, then home. Hoping for 60 species sketched. (Unlike normal birdathons where heard-only birds count, I am not going to sketch a bird unless I see it.)
Thanks for your support!
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