14 May 08
Guinea Fowl
Wandering home from a reception on campus last night, I stopped because I heard a warbler chip. Never did see the warbler, but below the oaks was a sizable flock of guinea fowl, wandering around like they owned the place.
I’ll be participating in Drawing Day, on June 7th. The aim is to publish a million drawings from around the world on this date. Join us! I probably won’t just be drawing birds, but hope to draw lots of them… Thanks to Katherine Tyrrell of Making a Mark for alerting me to this event.
Previous: Mallard Next: Trying to Work Larger
Nice drawings! Thanks for the Drawing Day notice – have to think about that one.
We thought about raising guineas, but for now, I’ll just enjoy your drawings. :)
What a fun idea, Drawing Day! If I’m not in jury duty, I’ll definitely do it. Or, I guess I could pretend to be a courtroom artist and draw even if I’m in jury duty.