28 April 08

The Dolorous Roadrunner

Roadrunner above nest - pen and ink Roadrunners have a perky, cheerful reputation, fleet-footed and cheeky. Certainly when I’ve seen them in the past I haven’t found anything to contradict this.

Until — until I heard one sing last week at Big Bend. It’s a mournful, descending song, rendered with the bird’s head below its feet as it perches in a tree presumably above the nest. Mourning doves sound cheerful by comparison.

Roadrunner above nest - watercolor We sang the canto lacrimoso of the roadrunner for Steve and Nick who had missed the Montezuma quail on Saturday… Ooo. Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo.

Posted by at 11:20 AM in Texas Trip | Link |
  1. I can’t remember if I’ve ever seen a roadrunner (been years if I had). I wonder if the Stokes bird calls CD has the mournful call of the roadrunner? :}

    Teresa    28. April 2008, 20:16    Link
  2. p.s. I like the expression on your roadrunner’s face. I find kingfishers have a similar expression. :>

    Teresa    29. April 2008, 08:08    Link

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