7 October 07
Yellow-billed Magpie: Skull
The walnuts are falling to the ground outside the kitchen window, and it’s a race to get them before the various squirrels do. I was out picking up walnuts yesterday and came across this skull, which looks to be a yellow-billed magpie’s.
Definitely interesting to see the bill at its attachment point to the skull… and good, also, to have a bit more time to work on the drawing. I am really enjoying these pastel pencils (CarbOthello).
Previous: Hermit Warbler Next: Northern Flicker
Ah, pastels! Love ‘em. What’s the paper you use? It gives it such depth. :-)
Ivy: thanks! This one’s Canson Mi-Teintes but it’s used here on the “wrong” side, which isn’t as heavily textured… one thing you’re supposed to be able to do with these pastels is wet them, but I haven’t tried that yet… maybe next one.