3 October 07

Yellow-billed Magpie

Yellow-billed magpie, pen and ink with colored pencil Amazing how hard it is to see this bird for longer than two seconds even though they’re all over the place. As it was it perched on one of the exotic conifers outside my window at work, looked around, and took off again, hardly leaving me any time to get the feathers right or even the length of the tail. I did get enough of the yellow around the eye, though, to ascertain that it was a juvenile…

Posted by at 06:22 PM in Bird of the Day | Link |
  1. magpie…interesting bird; wondering why we don’t have any in the northeast? I’m from upstate NY…in the Adirondacks. enjoy you bird by bird site!

    Julie    4. October 2007, 14:56    Link

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