The Magpie Nest
Gleanings and other shining things
- Bird by Bird
- Pica’s foray into the practice of drawing a bird a day, hosted on this blog from 2007–2013
- Listen-Ink
- Pica/Alison is a graphic recorder and facilitator. This is her web page as a visual practitioner.
- Alison has a strong interest in visualizing end-of-life issues and has been working in a collaborative way with a group of scribes interested in this work.
- Comics Portfolio
- Alison's February 2024 portfolio of comics drawn between 2021 and 2024.

- Sketching & Photography
- Invertober 2023
- Davis Wanderings
Pica & Numenius
Feathers of Hope
A joint blog written by Pica and Numenius started in 2003 and flourishing through 2015, now being resurrected in 2023
Ecotone Wiki
The archive of a collaborative space to think, write, draw, photograph, and otherwise ponder on the nature of place. 2003–2005
The Digital Garden
Pica and Numenius, inspired by Maggie Appleton, have decided to curate their digital offerings, personal and professional, in an online space. Sometimes this is neat and tidy, but mostly not.
About us
Pica takes her cue from Pica nuttalli, the endemic magpie of central California, chatty and alighting on gleaming things.
Numenius is a geographer by training and temperament. He is a Bay Area native, and grew up roaming the East Bay hills.