25 January 06
Bagali Polo and Guinness Truffles
Ron and Joe came up looking for mountain plovers but got skunked, so we met them at Bogey’s and then went to Ali Baba for dinner. Dessert was at Ciocolat, where Ron cut three truffles into four pieces with her trusty swiss army knife and we each tried a piece of cinammon, triple sec, and guinness truffle. Much jollity ensued. Because we could talk about depressing things too, but tended not to.
Previous: Monday, Monday Next: Sister Spa
We had a great time, and bagali polo is one of those personal old-time comfort foods, just the thing after long driving. Not totally useless; we did get a couple of ferruginous hawks. Also stilts among the Canada geese, killdeer, yellowlegses, pintails, and buffleheads on the lake at Jepson Prairie. (The flowers aren’t up yet, but we usually drop in there when we’re in the neighborhood, just on principle.)
Thanks for the insiders’ tour—great to see you!