8 June 03
Landscape in K-Band Radar
People key in on vastly divergent elements of the landscape. This is one of these facts that makes studying place so fascinating and challenging. With that in mind, I was bemused to discover that there’s an online exchange forum for information about speed traps. Driving fast through an unfamilar area? Go to the site to learn where you need to be careful. Is there a particularly nasty speed trap on your own commute? Write it up and submit it through their contribution form.
The town of Davis doesn’t cut a very good impression with these contributors. The entry for Davis says: “this whole town is a speed trap. Several tickets issued for 1-2 miles over the limit. Whole town is 25 except for 2-3 roads.” And a follow-up comment reads: “Not only due you have to watch your mile over the speed limit, but the parking tickets are HERENDOUS!! [sic] Even if the security knows your car!! No permit… TICKET!!!”
Sigh. My bicycle commute—over the creek, past the horse stables, and under the freeway where the rough-winged swallows nest—is in a very different world.
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