16 April 05
Picnic Day Duty
Today we spent most of the day at the Wildlife Health Center booth at Picnic Day, folding and distributing Cootie Catchers (we were left with about five at the end of the day, so about 250 of these things are wending their way to preadolescent bedrooms as we speak) and posters and magnets and teaching children how to clean oiled birds (they were practicing on rubber duckies that had a good coating of nontoxic black paint on them).
Numenius’ sister and her boyfriend made the trip up from Berkeley with Hooper the dog, so we had a great visit. They were unable to join us for dinner at Davis’ newest restaurant, the New Delhi Chaat Caf, which was a shame, because it was a pretty good answer to Berkeley’s Vik’s Chaat House, famous all over the Bay Area.
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