7 March 05
Peregrines Nesting
Peregrine falcons hold some kind of mystique… whether it’s because they came so close to extinction during widespread use of DDT, or because they can tuck into a dive reaching almost 200 miles an hour, or because they’re just plain beautiful, these are amazing birds to see.
There’s a pair now nesting at the PG&E Building in San Francisco. This webcam is updated every five seconds.
update, Tuesday, March 8, 2005: there are now three eggs, and the female “Gracie” is predicted to start incubating full-time, but at 2:34 pm PST she’s absent…
- silly me. I clicked on the link at 9:45 PM— susurra 7. March 2005, 19:47 Link
- Peregrines ARE fascinating, aren’t they? I think they were also used for sport-hunting, which did not help their numbers much.— JoJo 11. March 2005, 11:19 Link
- yo you need to call— alisha 2. May 2006, 11:28 Link
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