21 February 05

Jaunt to the Peninsula

Going south on I-80 there’s good light on those hills but the poor almond blossoms are getting massacred by wind and rain and the road surface needs fixing throughout the East Bay and over the Dunbarton Bridge we go and head north but need to go south and we meet Rachel for lunch and talk about Dante I’m sick of allegory she said ten years ago and again today and we laughed over eggs and then headed to the art store across the street and I made the sweet discovery of the shared guilty pleasures of finding hidden inks and brushes and paints with Numenius and then on we went to Kepler’s oh my and then headed north again through a huge pounding thunderstorm beyond Vallejo the kind that makes even SUV’s slow down and there were small funnels maybe starting but sun shone into the valley beyond though and we get home and the road’s not wet here.

(I did just read Eats, Shoots and Leaves and am normally a huge fan of punctuation, I promise.)

Posted by at 06:50 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. I thought that maybe you were channeling Gertrude Stein or James Joyce or Virgina Woolf or or or … but that rain and those small funnel clouds and the intermittent hail all of it came down on my post today too

    maria    21. February 2005, 20:06    Link
  2. Any chance of a map so I can see where you travel? (I don’t suppose you have the Ordinance survey maps over there?).

    jenny    21. February 2005, 21:46    Link

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