30 March 03
Refuseniks at Village Homes
Gil Medovoy has been organizing an Israeli-Palestinian peace series which has been meeting at the Village Homes community center. Today he invited in two refuseniks who have been living in the Bay Area for a couple of years. They both gave eloquent presentations about the Israeli occupation. Several points: they emphasized how Israel society is completely isolated psychologically from the Palestinian presence. Often Israelis who come to the States will meet their first Palestinians here, rather than in Israel. Another thing—the majority of the settlers in the West Bank are there for economic, not ideological reasons—i.e. cheap land and housing. This is significant because with enough economic incentives, they would move back to Israel. And lastly, the American pursestrings are very important. Without the US aid, most Israeli leftists agree, there would be no occupation.
They are both involved with the Bay Area group A Jewish Voice for Peace. Also, I didn’t realize that Gil has a radio show on KDVS where among other things he talks about Israeli-Palestinian issues. We’re lucky to live here within range of three independent FM stations!
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