28 April 03


A spring cold front blew through the area today, and we were dodging showers all day. When I left for work in the morning, there were blue skies overhead, a very low-to-the-horizon, almost flat rainbow to the northwest, and a big rain cloud to the south. I didn’t outrun the rain cloud, and got wet on my bike halfway to work. More showers at lunchtime, including some hail; I waited at the Memorial Union for it to pass and thus gave the bookstore some business.
Some sprinkles on the way home, but not enough to get me wet.

While running errands downtown at dusk today, we saw a flight of several hundred Vaux’s swifts circling low over a house! And another observer independently confirmed them. They are migrants, and were no doubt looking for a place to roost for the evening.

Posted by at 07:57 PM in Nature and Place | Link |

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