3 March 13
New Adventure
My last day of work will be Tuesday. I’ll get on a train the following week and travel across the United States seeing friends and family along the way, taking my time about it. There’s something so appealing about a hugely long train trip to mark a new phase in your life. Distance. Moving forward, ever forward. Even when you’re coming back.
I’m going to make a big change professionally and hope to use this break to get my head in the right place for that. Stay tuned!
Previous: Bike Forth Next: Off on a Journey
This is so exciting. I love the way you’re going about this. A long train ride seems so civilized, restful, and maybe revelatory.
I’ve been on only one cross-country train ride — the Super Chief, when I was thirteen years old. It ran from Flagstaff to Chicago. I have several fond memories of this overnight trip with my family.
Congratulations on your big move!