27 September 11
Point Reyes in Fall
Sunday was the fall Yolo Audubon Society trip to Point Reyes. The birding was pretty slow, with nothing more exciting than several palm warblers, and I spent a good bit of time sketching. At left is a little watercolor of the view of the Point Reyes North Beach from the Point Reyes Lighthouse.
Next at right is a bright yellow-and-black caterpillar we saw chowing down on a willow leaf by Drake’s Beach. Looking it up I think it’s from a Spotted Tussock Moth (Lophocampa maculata). Finally, at bottom is a sketch for the antenna book. It is part of the HF antenna farm at the old RCA communications site. In times gone by this was an important location for radio communications with merchant ships in the Pacific.
Previous: Catching A Supernova Next: Cat On The Windowsill
Did you see the acorn woodpeckers across from the visitors center?