20 April 03
The Glade on the Way to Work
Probably my favorite bit on my bicycle ride into work is passing this little glade just south of the UC Davis Arboretum. There are several handsome walnut trees in it, and often it is used for pasture for animals belonging mostly to the Vet Med folks. A few weeks ago there were cattle, but right now there are about a half-dozen horses in the pasture as well as this donkey. Animals bring a civilizing influence to a campus—some of the horses will come over and say hello, and the donkey always regards me with calm bemusement.
As the joke goes, what UCD stands for is “Under Construction Daily”, and according to the current long-range development plan for the campus this parcel is slated to become part of a research park, hosting one or two three-story buildings and many, many parking places. It’s all very rational, the planning process is, with dividers in their thick binders sectioning off the chapters on scenic, habitat, and cultural values, but somehow I think the world would be better off if planners were compelled to become accomplished landscape painters before they ever touched a computer. Sigh. At least the long-range plan and forthcoming environmental impact report are still open for public review and comment.
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