11 December 10
Amateur Extra
I passed the requisite exam today and upgraded my amateur radio license to the Amateur Extra class today! This is the highest of three levels in the amateur radio licensing system in the United States. I don’t know what in particular I’m going to do with my new privileges (basically a bit more spectrum to operate on HF), but I’ve had the study guide for the Extra class on my bookshelf for a year-and-a-half and when I heard six weeks ago that there was going to be a testing session in Davis in December I decided to go for it. The testing session took place in the morning; I was there for somewhat over an hour including the time spent doing paperwork, the test itself, and waiting for the grading to be done. We celebrated with our traditional Saturday lunch at El Mariachi taqueria, joined by our friends Laura and Danny. Danny was celebrating too: he was also at the session and passed the exam for the Technician level license. His call sign should be issued in several days, at which point he can go on the air as a new ham!
Previous: Just Another Morning Around 60 Meters Next: Antenna Book
It’s very reassuring to know that there are people like you quietly nestled here and there in infrastructures all over the world, Numenius.
Getting your Extra is an accomplishment. Now you won’t have to worry if you are out of your license bands. Next up, get your VE credential and help test others that are interested in getting their amateur radio license.