21 November 10
Davis Sketchcrawl
Davis sketcher Pete Scully organized a Davis sketchcrawl today. We started out at the Amtrak station and over the course of three hours moved about two blocks.
Five of us spread out and drew what we could see. After the torrential rain of last night, the sun was very welcome.
Pete would like to get a Davis Sketchbook project underway which I think is a great idea and I might do a birdy take on that subject.
I heard birds all day but didn’t see them so I haven’t got a bird by bird entry, but hoping to make up for that.
Previous: Shearing Day Next: Lace and Pirates
Great to sketch with you on Sunday, it was a fun day! Very nice work, especially the one with the chain, i like that. I’ve put some photos on the flickr group now. I’ll be in touch after thanksgiving about the sketchbook project. Pete
Alison, I’m in love with those sketches! ♥
It’s been like a ZILLION years since I visited all my beloved blogs, and here I am doing it and feeling a rush of nostalgia and familiarity. Like you commented on the other day, Alison, it’s so different from FB and Twitter. I really miss it a lot.
I love these sketches, especially the use of red ink. Having not been here in quite a while, the growth of both your and Numenius’ drawing styles is very apparent. Practice makes perfect!
As as everything in my blog and photoblog is ironed out, I’ll be setting to work on putting up my drawing blog, too. (what are they called by the way?). The framework and software is set up, just need to get to the CSS and tweaks to the code.
Miguel — lovely to see you here. I am really really hoping you participate in the Urban Sketchers project — you are always able to find a little bit of nature in the urban landscape and I’m sure the world would like to see that too. Thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by.