3 October 10

End of Season Joy

At home now, basking in the Giants winning the NL West, which they did today on the final game of the season, a 162-game slog most time of which was spent chasing the San Diego Padres, trading division leads with them much of this past month, overtaking them by three games as of last Thursday night, only to see that lead evaporate as they lost two in a row against the Padres on Friday and Saturday, but the Giants pull it out in the end as they beat the Padres today 3-0.

I only caught bits and pieces of the game before the seventh inning. We were providing radio support for a bicycle event (the Princess Promenade) along the American River Parkway. Doing bike patrol I ended up cycling about 42 miles cruising the stretch between Discovery Park and the CSU Sacramento campus. The game started around 1, and I didn’t finish with my bike duties until around 3. We were back at home in time for the final half-inning, and avoided getting too hysterical after the last strikeout because Diego was sitting on Pica’s lap while she was spinning yarn. The cats haven’t quite figured out our baseball mania.

Posted by at 09:37 PM in Baseball | Link |

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