15 January 10

Day Three and Counting

On Tuesday I was making a mid-day run to the Coop. I don’t really listen to NPR except when I’m in the car. It’s a random thing, really.

This week’s random thing was a woman called Michelle Singletary whose idea is to undertake a 21-day financial fast. No plastic, no credit cards, no debit cards. Cash only, and that to be spent only on essentials: food and meds.

I’m not sure if spending $435 at the vet’s counts, but I haven’t done more than whip out $7 for some aspirins for a coworker today that was promptly reimbursed. Lots of cooking at home. Watch out, I might even bake bread.

After 21 days the task is to keep a financial journal for 30….

ETA: the first big test: wanting to donate more than the amount I already have for earthquake relief in Haiti by buying a knitting pattern. Non-knitters, you’d be blown away by how much cash is being raised by the knitting community, particularly Tricoteuses Sans Frontières… well over $57,000 in 72 hours.

Posted by at 08:53 PM in Sustainability | Link |
  1. No plastic sounds like a good way to go …. in fact, it sounds like the way I lived during my twenties! :)

    maria    16. January 2010, 12:58    Link
  2. How is the financial fast going? still continuing it?

    butuki    20. January 2010, 08:43    Link
  3. Butuki, doing great! It’s much easier than I thought. I did buy a $5 knitting pattern which is my only slip-up so far. But 50% of the proceeds are going to Doctors Without Borders, so I felt less guilty.

    Pica    20. January 2010, 11:02    Link

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