29 August 09

Sweet Caroline

spinning wheel: Lendrum DT Numenius and I made a trip to San Francisco today. I wanted to try out some spinning wheels, which I’ve been doing fairly intensely over the past three weeks. I was hoping today’s visit to Carolina Homespun would conclude my search. I had two candidates already, but wanted to be thorough and try every possible likely wheel.

Well, I’ve been surprised. By a Lendrum double treadle. Morgaine explained to me that she didn’t really have one to sell, since the one she had had been requested by someone else. These wheels are made in Toronto and are in a lot of demand so I assumed if I decided to get one I’d wait a while, which was okay.

During my visit the buyer called. She wanted, instead, the cherry Matchless wheel. I bought the Lendrum.

What to call it? As I sat spinning this evening to the Giants game on the radio, the Red Sox eighth-inning anthem, Sweet Caroline, came to my head. This song was recently revealed to have been written all those years ago for a young Caroline Kennedy, whose uncle Ted died this week.

My wheel is Sweet Caroline.

Posted by at 10:09 PM in Spinning | Link |
  1. Oh my goodness, you had your hair cut short?!

    Sorry, distracted from spinning wheel, which looks wonderful, the real, real deal.

    Jean    31. August 2009, 04:48    Link
  2. Cool! Glad it all worked out so well. The story of your acquiring it is quite a yarn (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun…)

    maria    31. August 2009, 10:28    Link
  3. Wahoo you and sweet caroline look great!

    Jeannie    31. August 2009, 13:17    Link
  4. Thanks Jeannie! I love it!

    Pica    31. August 2009, 14:33    Link
  5. Yikes! Did you cut your hair? Looks terrific! Welcome to the Short Hair Club. No dues.

    Susan    31. August 2009, 17:08    Link
  6. I watched a spinning demonstration at a local fair and found it hypnotic. I fancy giving it a go.

    Dick    1. September 2009, 12:03    Link
  7. You look so fabulous working on Sweet C! When can you teach me?

    Karen    1. September 2009, 16:01    Link
  8. wow! very cool! Congrats on the spinning wheel!

    Blue Bicicletta    1. September 2009, 19:10    Link

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