8 June 09

Christmas Lights In June

The glowing Arduino I’m well into my list of projects inspired by the Maker Faire. First up was building a TV-B-Gone. This is a device that can get you excommunicated from sports bars mighty quick: it acts as a universal remote off button to turn off TVs in public places that are harassing you. (We don’t have a TV to test it out on, so I don’t know if it works yet).

Second, I am starting to play with the Arduino physical computing platform. This evening I had fun blinking different colors of LEDs on and off, as can be seen at right.

Posted by at 11:44 PM in Design Arts | Link |
  1. If there were a Hall of Fame for takers-on of new projects (while simultaneously continuing to pursue current projects), you and Pica would be its first inductees. Truly, I am an indolent sloth! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go lie down, as I’m exhausted simply from reading your blog . . . ;-)

    Babz    10. June 2009, 14:24    Link

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