24 April 09

Velvet Women

For Ivy and in memory of Bobette

They clung together through
the soft rocking:
the boat and the gin
while the men on deck
smoked and laughed and

The tears and slobber
[o those violet eyes]
my baby, gone. my baby.
it was a night
to remember
[her name is was Liz]
and forget
[my unborn had no name]

The pain of it, the
the shame
sloshing in the bilge
slapping the side

the hangover next day
and through it all
two women, adrift, bereft.

Posted by at 07:33 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. Thank you, Pica. Big grin here — wow! :)

    Ivy    27. April 2009, 06:12    Link

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