19 April 09
Another Weekend With No Tomatoes Planted
It’s supposed to be a record-high temperature tomorrow, and me with nary a tomato seed planted. We did pick up three seedlings at Picnic Day yesterday along with a pepper and marigold, rescued today from Numenius’ office.
I’m back knitting after the cat-bite interlude. We cooked lentils and quinoa with chard from the garden, threatening to bolt, having given a bunch of it yesterday to J&B. Today feels very cuspy.
Yet it’s already tonight, and my big challenge of the morning will be to see if Union Pacific steam train #844 comes by my office window before my 9:00 am meeting. Follow it on Twitter.
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I remember Mike lecturing me about gardening in our pre-dating days “How many times do I need to tell you Eager little Beavers…” No loss not having your tom seedlings out my dear, they’d get stunted by the up-and-down nature of April in Davis. En avril, n’enleve pas un fil…