9 April 09

What to Do

The Archdruid Report Offers some very sage advice about what to do in the coming post-industrial future.

Typing is something of a chore so I will give you the punchline: Learn a thing. Give up a thing. Save a thing. Worth a read.

Posted by at 11:13 PM in Sustainability | Link |
  1. Ow, about the “chore” part. How bad is it? (In one word or less.)

    If we get really post-industrial, I’ll be giving up breathing. Somehow I don’t see a pedal-powered nebulizer in my future, and some of those pollens are unnatural but self-perpetuating.

    Lord I’m glad it rained.

    Ron Sullivan    10. April 2009, 16:13    Link
  2. Ron: as I sit counting hours between doses of Doxycycline and Clindamycin, and ponder the future of easily available meds for life-threatening conditions (insulin comes to mind), well, let’s just say I’m glad I don’t have any prospect of grandchildren…

    The “chore” part: in one word, ‘sokay. No sign of infection.

    Pica    10. April 2009, 17:58    Link
  3. Oh dear. I think it’s more than permissible to do or read something entirely escapist when one has been bitten! Seem to recall that you favourite escapism of late has been knitting, which is presumably also buggered for the immediate future. Lots of love xxxx

    Jean    11. April 2009, 14:03    Link

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