5 April 09


This weekend, I

February lady sweater a) listened to the last exhibition game of spring training. The Giants beat the Dodgers.
b) finished my first sweater in over 30 years. (Also my first top-down sweater ever, my first seamless sweater ever, my first i-cord bindoff ever. Photo soon added.)
c) led a bird walk in Cold Canyon whose focus was birdsong. We heard mostly orange-crowned warblers and wrentits, but on the way down the path heard then saw two gorgeous black-throated gray warblers.
d) met a bunch of Jacobs sheep and their lambs up close and personal.
e) bought a bit of Jacobs roving and a spindle.
f) planted six Japanese cucumber plants, a gift from the landlady. It’s too early to plant cukes, but six is too many, so if some don’t make it, oh well.
g) failed to clean the house.
h) failed to make a start on taxes. Numenius says he is.
i) am currently listening to the first real baseball game of the season. Atlanta is beating the Phillies, 4-0.
j) have somehow managed to get a bit of sunburned cheeks. It was a gorgeous weekend, much of it spent outside despite all the knitting.

Posted by at 07:36 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. I am intrigued by the idea of a seamless sweater. Is it all knit in one giant piece, including arms? This I’ll have to see!

    Susan    6. April 2009, 11:44    Link
  2. Susan: yes, one giant piece. It’s best to do the sleeves when you get to them rather than last because otherwise it’s very heavy!

    Pica    6. April 2009, 18:03    Link
  3. HI Pica!
    That’s a great sweater!

    Were the Jacobs sheep at Meridian Jacobs ranch? I went to a dye workshop there & I want to go back to a v-shawl weaving class.


    andrea mummert    11. April 2009, 09:47    Link

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