22 May 08
Board Elections
Tonight was the last meeting of the Yolo Audubon Society for this school year, and we all got drafted onto the YAS board for another year. The YAS board elections are hardly competitive; rather, the task is to hunt far and wide to find somebody who wants to be hospitality chair.
This is quite unlike the elections for the Davis Food Coop board. The annual election is underway, the ballots are to be submitted in a week, and we don’t have a clue who to vote for. The annual member meeting was this evening, but we had the YAS meeting to go to, so we missed that opportunity to learn about the candidates. Heated letters about the candidates have been appearing about the candidates in the local paper for several weeks now. Nine candidates are up for four slots. We only really like one of the candidates, and are not sure how to fill out the ballot.
Previous: Here Comes The Heat Next: Acorns in the Laundry
Ah yes. I’ve been on boards where meeting attendance was enforced by the universal fear that if we weren’t there, we’d be elected President.