14 May 08

Here Comes The Heat

An unseasonably strong high pressure ridge sitting over the Eastern Pacific is resulting in a heat wave here in Northern California. The high temperature for the next three days is expected to reach 102° F. Today it wasn’t that hot; some high cloudiness circulating in from the north moderated it.

This Saturday we will be providing radio support for the Davis Double Century, the 200-mile bicycle event that starts in Davis and circles through five counties. They are not going to have an easy time of it in this heat.

Posted by at 07:34 PM in Nature and Place | Link |
  1. Hoo boy. Brush up on your first-aid skills, especially the heatstroke kind of stuff.

    In fact, I might need some myself to get to the end of this column on deadline.

    Ron Sullivan    15. May 2008, 16:33    Link

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