25 January 08
Vaca Dusting
We looked west this morning and saw several thin tracings of snow on top of the Vaca Mountains, which get up to about 2800’ in elevation, and a bit on the Blue Ridge to the north of the Berryessa Gap. It’s always lovely to see snow on the Coast Range mountains. Californians simply like snow — all the population in the state is down at low elevations and never get into any without a bit of travel.
The road up Mix Canyon that we want to climb for our Bigby would get us up into the snow, but it’s a little far to ride at our present level of fitness!
Previous: Lake Solano In The Rain Next: The Story of Stuff
The first winter I was in Davis (1973), I asked my co-workers, “Does it ever snow here?” “No,” they replied, “it never snows here.” A month or so later, it snowed, and it’s done so at least twice more in the years since. (I asked two other natural-phenomena questions in those first few months, the first one as summer approached: “Does it rain here in the summer?” “No.” That summer, it rained. “Do earthquakes happen here?” “No.” We had an earthquake. I stopped asking.)
The one time it snowed in Davis since I’ve been here (was it in 2001?), it was the first day of a national meeting hosted by my group at work. I think our guests were a bit confused by that introduction to California weather.