15 January 08
How to Stay Busy in Winter
We bought a copy of this massive tome yesterday at the UC Davis Bookstore. It’s awe-inspiring. Gulls seem like the last frontier in birding, even more than sparrows…
Previous: A BIGBY Gull Jaunt Next: My Meeting with a Samovar
Good luck! Lump ‘em all into one species I say!
Yep, me too. I was trying to work out what the hell a PB1 moult was (prebasic first cycle, I think) last night when the power went out, so I’ll have to keep working on them.
Hrmph. I still there ain’t no sech animal as a Thayer’s gull. I can generally pick one out of a crowd but I still don’t believe in ‘em.
And neither does my six-foot-tall invisible rabbit buddy here.
I don’t believe in them either. But until the boys in black decide on their mischief, I’m not going to argue.
We have power back! Huzzay!