23 August 07
Mystery Solved
so in June when we went to the wedding on Putah Creek on the tandem and had the best damn meal of our lives pretty much and coveted the Tshirts of the catering staff I mean a magpie plus a great design how much better does it get and mentioned it on the blog and then several weeks later one showed up in the mail here at home I asked Andrea the lovely bride and she said sorry wish I’d had more presence of mind but no it wasn’t me and Barbara said nope and Numenius said no I was well and truly stumped and then yesterday after a gruelling couple of hours in the dentist’s chair dear Chris and Karen came over and it was like a balm having their wonderful presence around me and Chris wondered whether possibly had I ever gotten a package in the mail?
Be careful what you say on your blog. Somebody’s paying attention.
(Thanks Chris, what a great birthday present!)
Previous: Glacial Ramble Next: Introducing Bird by Bird
Happy birthday, Pica! What a great shirt and photo of you.
You are quite welcome, Pica! Seeing YOU was a gift for us. Happy, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
suits you just perfect Pica!
That sure is a snazzy yellow-billed magpie!
Happy Belated Birthday. How lovely to see you, your smiling face and that grand T-shirt.