11 August 07
Four Years
Four years ago yesterday, I snapped my achilles tendon. It cheated me out of a really fun tandem ride. We went out last night to celebrate our marriage at the same restaurant we’d gone to on the night before our wedding, surrounded by friends and family (a couple of them a bit whackily dressed).
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Happy 4th Anniversary! May both the achilles tendon and the love grow stronger every day!
Hey, happy! >clink!<
And I must say: That’s one helluva distinctive emotional souvenir. You sure you’re not all S&M-kinky? Phew.
Then again, with a start like that I guess it was safe to bet things could only get better.
Happy Anniversary, you two!!
Happy four years! Mazel Tov! I was hoping to see fotos of the wackily dressed guests??
Ah yes, I remember it well. Beautiful blushing bride, gentlemanly cavilier groom. You two couldn’t miss! Congratulations.
Thanks all. Virginia, it was amazing to see that “casual dress” meant “Hawaiian shirts” to so many different guys who didn’t know each other!
Yep. And purely by chance that was the day I first discovered Feathers of Hope. Four years of consistently enjoyable, informative, often nourishing lurking. Thanks beaucoup
You do know that there are formal aloha shirts as well, right? Generally white-on-white or black-on-black prints or weaves.
For some of us, aloha shirts are practically religious garb. My religion is aloha. Much more fun than the Dalai Lama or /agape/.