25 June 07
I spent the day in Berkeley yesterday, taking a class in off-hand pointed-pen flourishing. I am saturated in ink, doodles, fru-fru — yet there is something so beguiling in all this. I see the temptation. I resist it on the grounds of good sense and because of my aesthetic training — but it’s so SATISFYING...
Swoosh. Loop, press, release, curl, swoosh.
I have no idea what to do with this. I took the train down and back (no time for lunch, I missed the Berkeley International Food Festival Ron told me about), and returned in a train full of Giants fans who had witnessed the miracle of their team beating the Yankees for the second day in a row.
Swoosh. Loop. Press. Release. Curl. Yell. Loudly.
Previous: Varmints and Other Creatures Next: Back from Monterey
I think this is one of the things where the doing is its own reward.
Thank you for sharing your swoops with us!
Particularly love the bird!