5 April 07

Blogger Bioblitz

Jeremy Bruno of The Voltage Gate has come up with an excellent way to participate in the National Wildlife Federation’s National Wildlife Week. He has announced the First Annual Blogger Bioblitz, “where bloggers from across the world will choose a wild or not-so-wild area and find how many of each different species – plant, animal, fungi and anything in between – live in a certain area within a certain time.”

This is not meant as a hard scientific project, rather it’s a fun way to “highlight little pockets of biodiversity across the world.” This event runs from April 21 – April 29. For the first couple days of that period we’ll be on a birding trip far too fast-paced to serve as a bioblitz, but after that I should be able to find some nearby nook to survey.

Posted by at 08:07 PM in Nature and Place | Link |

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