15 March 07

Olive Oil Party-Oh

UC Davis olive oil and vinegar The new crop of UC Davis Olive Oil has arrived. We popped over yesterday afternoon to taste the three varieties, all blends, of Extra Virgin (Wolfskill, Silo, and Gunrock); bought some at a discounted rate; and ran into all kinds of friends, people involved with ecology and agriculture and horticulture and wine and radio and bikes and design and books.

The launch party, March 14 2007 The line to buy oil was long. I found myself standing next to an East-Coast transplant who was enjoying the weather (it was about 80 degrees) but tapping her foot at how slow the line was moving, then berating herself, jokingly, for doing so. Turns out she’s the new humanities and social sciences librarian at the university library. She had previously worked at Northeastern and at Harvard. She told me Widener has been refurbished considerably since I was last there, with the crucial addition of air conditioning (sort of important if you’re housing books that are hundreds of years old.)

We bought oil. We found we had eaten dinner by the end of it all. And we’re glad that UC Davis has found something to do with the olives that used to provide lubrication for bike paths!

More photos of yesterday’s event can be found here.

Posted by at 06:16 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. Oh Lord, I remember all those years ago, hmm, er, ah, 30+ (sigh) when the UCD Chancellor would be bestoyed with the first of the yearly virgin Vinegar pressings (for wont of a better word) from the Enology dept.‘s offering. Now, olive oil from the grove(s)! How time marches on. And one hungry year, the almond trees on the Arboretum bike path gave forth their treats when the (monthly) paycheck didn’t.

    Sue    15. March 2007, 21:17    Link
  2. Oh my, what a great place you live and work in! And great photos – candid, but not grotesque, eating expressions: that’s difficult!

    Jean    16. March 2007, 04:04    Link

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