5 March 07

Plans for a Yakkety-Yak?

Temple Grandin’s talk a couple of weeks ago referred to people like me as Yakkety-yaks: we can’t stop talking. Now it seems I have a new way to do just that.

It’s not like I needed another hobby, folks. After some months of sparse activity, our warm weather has brought all kinds of action into the garden, and I will need to get working hard to transition from winter to summer with a minor spring garden in between, quite apart from planting ceanothus while blocking weeds in the space under the plum and nectarine trees. I’ve been working on more quince drawings. Let’s not even get started on what I need to be doing at work…

And yet, there’s something so appealing about the idea of volunteering a skill not held by many for the cause of supporting a long bike ride or endurance horse race: not to mention being of service in an emergency. Ham radio is not something I ever dreamed of getting into. It’s very male, for one thing (I was the only woman at my class on Saturday and at the exam, which more than doubled the number of people in the room). But I can yak it up with the best of them, and I just might…

Posted by at 08:36 PM in Radio | Link |
  1. I can’t believe it. Do you have a particular use in mind? Is ham radio a short wave thing? And if so why would people use it over internet based radio? How about doing what Natalie is doing and inserting podcats, no podcasts, no maybe podcats, in your blog?

    CdV    6. March 2007, 14:22    Link
  2. CdV, I mostly want to do things like support the events around here (mostly bike-related) that require large numbers of hams. You can now do ham radio over the computer, for when your ISP is down, for instance.

    All this requires more technical knowledge than I’m ever likely to have, but I’d certainly like to try a podcat or two.

    Pica    6. March 2007, 15:53    Link

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