24 July 03
Not Ranting About Dentists
I’m not going to rant about dentists, not about how they get you at a pre-pubescent stage and slap braces on you which, for those of us who grew up with un-fluoridated water (or even with it), consigned us to a steady stream of root canals followed by crowns, which despite flossing consultations consigned us to a steady stream of gum problems, which then consigned us to terrifying visits to periodontists, resulting in the loss of said gums and ultimately our teeth on which we’ve already spent thousands and thousands of dollars, which we could have avoided if only they’d given us dentures at age eleven instead of all this trauma. No steaks, granted, but we might have invented the world’s most delectable pap, just think of the wasted culinary opportunities….
Instead, I’ll talk about the rain. It rained this morning, audible rain, rain that made you leap out of bed to go and stand in it and even have fantasies about the green returning. The jackrabbits and magpies were in ecstasy.
Previous: Haiku for a Hot Evening Next: Seabiscuit and the Great Depression
I’m hoping for implants, myself. Only way I’ll ever have a mouth full of straight pearly whites.