30 April 06
Little League, Davis Style
We went to our first little league game ever today. Our friends Rick and Donna invited us to come watch; Rick is the coach of one of the Davis teams, the Rangers. He is unusual in that he is involved with little league without being a parent. Alas, the Rangers were having a hard time today—when we arrived it was 4-0 White Sox; two hours and three innings later, the score was 23-8 White Sox. Rick attributed this to it being the first hot-weather game. Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun. Fly balls are always an adventure; the pitchers are alternately getting shelled or missing the plate; and the spry kid who hit a home run had the biggest grin on his face when he leapt on home plate. At left is a sketch of the Rangers’ catcher during the much-needed pitching change.
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